Dice Exploder


Some Jokes and Manifestos

Sam DunnewoldComment

Last week people started getting physical copies of my short zine of games slash design memoir Dice Forager. Idle Cartulary did this nice review of it, and some folks were talking about it on the Dice Exploder discord. But everyone keeps being cagey about the preamble, not wanting to spoil it I guess? But I think it’s funny and I want people to be able to talk about it, so I’m posting it here.

More on Apocalyptic Principles

Sam DunnewoldComment

Earlier this week I put out a post about Miller’s Law and principles in classic PbtA games. The thesis was basically “there’s too goddamn many of these things to remember and someone (me) should say something about it.” I’m pleased to report that after hitting send on that thing at 2:30AM and then immediately falling asleep, I awoke to a day packed with discussion of the thing, and I learned a bunch. Thanks Dice Exploder discord, Gem Room Games discord, and Bluesky! I thought it’d be fun today to go through how my thinking has evolved since.